While we can and do minister on many different subjects our hosts may request, the following are the areas the Holy Spirit has shown us to focus on primarily. We can minister from 1 to as many sessions as needed by our host.
Here is a vital question we must all answer, “What is the specific purpose for which God created you?”
According to our surveys over the past 40 years, less than 10% of Christians know the answer to that question and less than 10% of those believers who actually know their purpose have any written plan for walking it out on a daily or lifetime basis. According to these statistics less than 1% of the Church is living up to the potential God placed in them to change their world. THAT IS A BIG PROBLEM!
In 1987, through the publication of Dr. Greenman’s book, “How To Find Your Purpose In Life,” we began dealing with this problem on a limited basis. Now we are totally focusing on this issue and making it our #1 PRIORITY MESSAGE. We’re convinced that as individual believers find and live their God ordained purpose, the church at large will grow stronger and more productive.
Here’s one last question for you, What would your church, your community, your nation be like if just 25% of the believers you know were actually fulfilling their God ordained purpose with confidence, authority, and wisdom? We want to help you find out!
Each seminar will consist of three segments and can be run over a 1 or 2 day period with the length of each seminar dictated by the schedule our hosts feel most comfortable with. Our Seminars are very information intensive, but filled with audience participation and practical experiences which can be applied immediately. Our only consistent complaint is that even our 8-hour seminar is “too short!”
The Seminar segments may include the following and much, much more:
One of our joys is to help church and ministry organizations in the area of focusing their vision. Having studied, taught and written on this subject for over 30 years, we can often bring useful insights to the table. Our forte is how to define and communicate the vision God has placed in the hearts of the leadership, so that those who come along side to help can run easily with that vision. (Habakkuk 2:2) This coaching can be added on to any ministry date or scheduled separately. We can also do this for individual leaders.